We are all very excited.
When I picked Emma up after the ultrasound and I told she is going to have a baby brother she said "baby brother" I asked if she was excited to have a baby brother and she said "yes" then I asked what she was most excited about and she said "play baby brother" I then said are you excited to share your room with your baby brother and she go very quiet and stared at me. She is a very good sharer, she understands taking turns with toys, and always gives other kids a chance, so I think she was wondering how you take turns with your room.
Ryan is most excited to teach his son to play football, and baseball and to have even numbers at home.
I am excited to see my cute boy and and to love him like crazy!
On our poll to the right... the middle name will most likely be Ryan...so keep that in mind and vote for as many names as you want.